Public Energy for Birds!

Public Energy for Birds!


The project “LIFE Energy” enters the final period of implementation. It is already clear that the results have exceeded expectations and have gained the attention of both professional and general public. Now, the public as one of the target groups has the opportunity to contribute to the successful completion of shared effort to protect birds from the threatening effects of power lines and other activities to improve their living conditions.


In these days the Raptor Protection of Slovakia initiates a large-scale on-line public inquiry called "ENERGY IN THE STREET 2019" designed for anyone who pays a few minutes of their time and answers simple questions. The questionnaire can be filled out also by the foreign public at The survey will run until the 15th May 2019.


A similar plentiful survey was carried out by the Bird of Prey Protection in Slovakia in the first phase of project implementation. The comparison of the results will make it possible to evaluate the success of its activities also in the awareness of the general public.


Photo: Peter Petluš

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