Slovak Raptor Journal, Volume 9, Issue 1 (Jan 2015)

Špeciálne čislo: Medzinárodná konferencia o ochrane orla krikľavého. Košická Belá, Slovensko , 2014

Bolo elektronicky publikované na stránke de Gruyter dňa 30.6.2015

Čislo je dostupné na tomoto linku :

The Issue, inter alia, contains two articles that are based on data gathered through the project LIEF09NAT/SK/000396 Conservation of Aquila pomarina in Slovakia.


Abundance, distribution and trend of the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) breeding population in Slovakia / Pocetnost, distribúcia a trend vývoja hniezdnej populácie orla kriklavého (Aquila pomarina) na Slovensku

Reproductive success, selected nest characteristics and the effectiveness of establishing protection zones of the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) population in Slovakia